In what's being called a 5-page "letter to the American people", Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (AKA "Looney McTooney") bitch-slapped White House Resident Bush's Middle East strategy, called on Washington to pull out of Iraq and recognize a Palestinian state. He went on to write "I hope that in the wake of the midterm elections, the administration of President Bush will have heard and will heed the message of the American people." On one hand I'm impressed he'd write to us. Six years in office and Bush has yet to write us so much as an email. On the other hand, however, I am appalled he would attempt to subvert the authority of our nation's leader in this way. Bush may be an incompetent, self-serving war monger, but he's OUR incompetent, self-serving war monger! For OUR pundits and polls to take to task, not some poorly-dressed, posturing mullah-mouthpiece! So back off, Ahmadinejad, or so help me Dick Cheney will make us come in there and give your ass a kicking to think about!
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