Middle Eastern justice doesn't mess around. Saddam Hussein was executed today by hanging, just five days after losing his appeal against the death sentence he'd received. After stories the past couple of days that said they had up to 30 days to actually do the deed, and that they didn't know if Iraq's President would authorize it, I think the American press was stunned that the hanging actually happened so fast, with the NYTimes using terms like "terrible swiftness". There were no candlelight vigils held by people unconnected to the case, hoping for a last-minute reprieve, nor was Hussein kept alive in a jail cell for a couple of decades and thousands upon thousands of dollars of taxpayers' money while everyone waited around for him to be put to death like we do here in the U.S. I'm not a proponent of the death penalty per se, but in certain cases, like when a miserable soulless despot orders the death of thousands of people, there's nothing like a little execution to cleanse the palate between regimes. I will, however, have egg on my face if DNA evidence shows up in the coming years that somehow clears Saddam's name in the 148 deaths of men and boys he ordered back in 1982. Now that he's gone it seems our "mission" in Iraq should be counted as well and truly over but no, the Decider has made it clear that the war machine will keep grinding on. In a statement, White House Resident Bush not only said, "Bringing Saddam Hussein to justice will not end the violence in Iraq," but he had to make sure we think that the Iraq War was somehow still to be muddled up with 9/11 by concluding "but it is an important milestone on Iraq’s course to becoming a democracy that can...be an ally in the war on terror." That song's so old it's gone from being one of Bush's Greatest Hits to a Golden Oldie...
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