Australian traveler Allen Jasson was yanked off of a Qantas flight from Oz to London because he would not take off a T-shirt with a picture of President Bush and the slogan "World's #1 Terrorist." Qantas says "comments with the potential to offend other customers or threaten the security of a Qantas group aircraft will not be tolerated." The statement says that includes T-shirts.
It's all reminiscent of the case of Lorrie Heasley of Woodland, WA, who was tossed off a Southwest Airlines flight in Reno back in 2005 for refusing to remove her t-shirt, which bore images of Bush, Cheney and Secretary of State Rice, along with the words "Meet The F**kers" (The "**" are placeholders for the letters "c" and "u", not necessarily in that order...)
I would say that if this brand of "short-shirted censorship" is allowed to continue, the terrorists are well on their way of having us right where they want us -- shirtless, shivering and scared. In order to fight against this, I encourage you to click on the various images in this item, which will whisk you immediately to The Daily Grill Online Junk, where you can stock up on big ol' cottony doses of democracy.