Aargh. Enough of catering to bratty kids! Kudos to the AirTran crew that booted a 3-year-old whiny little girl and her parents off a flight from Florida to Boston when the rugrat wouldn't get into her seat, put her seatbelt on and shut up. The parents, of course, were outraged that the world refused to stop and worship their angel child when the airline, instead, honored their commitment to the 112 other passengers to get them to their destination on time. I'm only sorry to hear the airline gave the family back their airfare and offered them free tickets to anywhere AirTran flies. The Kulesza family declined the freebies and declared they'd never fly the airline again. Good riddance to annoying parents, I say. And I promise that, given the opportunity to fly AirTran myself, I'll do it three times to make up for their "loss". An airline REALLY on the ball would bar kids entirely for business travelers and they'd make up their losses for the past decade in a matter of months.