It seems that White House Resident Bush's view regarding the War On Terror® is a bit myopic. He's all for funneling 20K more troops into a war thousands of miles away where the terrorists main weapon of choice -- a strap-on bomb --can't really deal out too much damage here in the States. On the other hand, food inspections IN the U.S. by the FDA have dropped by almost 50% in the past 3 years. During that time you'll remember we had a few nasty outbreaks of e Coli, not to mention the bird flu and Mad Cow Disease scares. Some conspiracy-minded folks think such things could even be terrorist-driven themselves. Any chance we can redeploy America's fighting forces here to sift through spinach, okra and cow brains? The things is, I'm not nearly as terrified as an rocket-propelled grenade going off in Bahgdad as I am about a Taco Bell chalupa exploding in my lower intestine.