"Support The Troops!" has been the rallying cry during the controversial War In Iraq®. Now it comes to light that some of the troops have been supporting themselves -- to the tune of millions of dollars that were slated for the rebuilding efforts in the war-torn country. Three Army Reservists were singled out as being the chief instigators in a plot to award rebuilding contracts to construction mogul and anti-patriot Philip Bloom. In return, Col. Curtis Whiteford, Lt. Col. Debra Harrison and Lt. Col. Michael Wheeler split an estimated $1 million bucks in kickbacks, smuggling bundles of cash back into the U.S. and also being gifted with Porsches, a Nissan sport cars, an Escalade, real estate, a Breitling watch, business-class plane tickets, computers and other items. Whiteford, from New Jersey, used part of his scammery to build a deck and hot tub to rest his weary goldbricking bones. We shouldn't let a few rotten apples spoil the barrel, though -- let's continue to support our troops...then frisk 'em when they get back home.
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