There's been a lot of concern over massive honey bee colony disappearances over the last half year or so, with commercial hives going empty in both the US and Europe. Scientists are baffled, with causes ranging from global warming to pesticides being cited. The mystery may be solved, however -- those busy bees may simply be on vacation. Proof? A passenger plane flying from Britain to Spain was forced to return when they flew through a massive swarm of bees over Bournemouth, England, sucking a bunch of the suckers into their jet intakes causing the engines to surge. Turns out there have been clouds of bees reported over the region for days now, apparently waiting for their luggage to arrive.
People Are Weird #273
I was pouring $50 of liquid gold into my car yesterday and a dude over at the next island was using the windshield-wiping squeegee to wash his entire car while a buddy waited patiently in the passenger seat. I caught one of the gas station attendants watching and he said, shaking his head, "I didn't know we had a free car wash."
May 30, 2007 in Social Commentary | Permalink | Comments (0)