Lies come in many different flavors. White lies. Crazy lies. Dangerous lies. And then there are wild, over-the-top, spinning out of control lies. Like the kind spun by U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales around critical matters such as our government spying on its citizens and the shotgun firing of federal prosecutors. While many lies are more easily dismissed and moved on from, we’re talking about the kind of dissembling that refuses to go away and gets bigger as time goes on.
We now have a style of obfuscation and fabrication that goes so far beyond belief as to run the risk of throwing doubt on the entire business of government credibility, accountability and justice. Let’s call it "Gonzy".
Be it Gonzy politics, Gonzy testimony or Gonzy recollection, you can be sure if you've gone Gonzy you're about as far from the truth as you're likely ever to be.
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