Tell me about it. Literally. If you’ve had memorable run-ins with a
boss, a supervisor, a manager or co-workers – and would love a chance
to vent in the privacy of your own cube – why not shoot my writing
partner and I a note? We’re looking for
your funny horror stories about any of the usual suspects: Bullies.
Backstabbers. Time Wasters. Bean Counters. Devil’s Advocates.
Know-It-Alls. Any of these clowns sound familiar? If so, let us hear
from you!
What's this all about? Jonathan Littman, my co-author, and I are doing
research for a funny book (and a website) for Little, Brown Publishing
in NY about how to dodge the slings and arrows of outrageous job
situations. I figured my readers her at The Daily Grill would have some doozies! Please leave out last names and
specific companies (the industry’s fine.) Send your story of workplace insanity and (if you want)
contact information to [email protected] Inclusion of your story
earns you a free copy of the book upon publication!
I'd love to hear from you. If you
have friends and family that might want to share THEIR stories, please
pass the word along!
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