There are SO many "Top 10" lists that come out at the end of the year (Time Magazine alone issued 50 of them...) that I was hard-pressed to create one of my own. So instead I've cherry-picked 10 Things At Random from everyone else's lists...
1. The iPhone
Love it or hate it, have one or not, this piece of Apple tech probably made the biggest splash of the year. Twice. Once when it debuted, then again when Steve Jobs dropped the price and raised the hackles of early buyers.
2. Michael Vick
Footballer-turned-dogfight impresario got himself ragged, bagged and tagged. As horrific as the treatment he and his gang passed out to the canines in their charge, the very nature of the crime itself raised awareness of the average public that this kind of activity is still going on in our country.
3. Pencil Head
German woman Margret Wegner underwent surgery in August to remove a pencil that had been
stuck inside her head for 55 years. The German woman had suffered from
chronic headaches and nosebleeds after falling at age 4 with the writing
implement in hand. "The pencil went right through my skin and disappeared
into my head," she said. This summer surgeons in
Berlin were able to remove all but the pencil's tip.
4. Bowling Ball USB Drive
Chris Spurgeon designed a functional (but not very practical) USB drive inside of a regulation 16-lb bowling ball.
5. "No Country for Old Men"
Fantastic movie and truly disturbing film. One friend of mine said it was hard to watch so much evil on the screen. The Coen brothers outdo themselves, having made a film that is different from pretty much anything we've ever seen. An interesting thing you won't notice until you've left the theater: there's no music soundtrack at all.
6. Real Computer Bugs
A photographer in Thailand discovered ants had taken up residence in his external hard drive, so he took the cover off and blasted the interior
with insect repellent. The ants were wiped out and the data looked doomed too, until some techs at Kroll
Ontrack resurrected it.
7. Halo 3
I don't have an XBox but it's clear from the Top 10 lists yammering about video games that this "first-person combat simulator" is really making gamers happy with great game play and fantastic graphics. Maybe I'll have to spring for the Box. Wiiiiiii!
8. Hazmat Diver
From a list of the Top 10 worst science jobs comes the occupation of Hazmat Diver, "The worst was at a factory pig
farm, says Steven M. Barsky, the author of Diving in High-Risk
Environments. A guy
had driven his truck into the waste lagoon and drowned. Not only was it
full of urine and liquid pig feces, the farmer had dumped all the
needles used to inject the pigs with antibiotics and hormones in
there.â Someone had to recover the body, and the task fell to
commercial hazmat divers.
9. Writer Guild Strike
Okay, so this one hits close to home (being a member of the WGA) but still the strike brought the new TV season to a crashing halt, in terms of the scripted series and such. Putting thousands of writers AND many other workers out on the street, it also has opened a massive influx of mindless reality and game show programming, sure to "dumb down" the American TV viewer more than ever before.
10. w00t!
Interjection, used for expressing joy (it could be after a triumph, or for no reason at all); similar in use to the word "yay". this was voted by visitors of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary website as the most-used word of the year.
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