Whatever your opinion of reality television shows — be they about singing, dancing, real estate, cooking or playing pranks on people — the kind of people they're breeding are becoming alarming. They're probably bubbling under everywhere but, to judge by the pedigree of the ones popping up on the radar, we may be in big trouble.
From the ongoing saga of Nadya "Octomom" Suleman to Richard Heene, father of "Balloon Boy", the desire to make a star of oneself is gripping Americans by storm. Octomom is horrifyingly real, while Balloon Boy turned out to have been a hoax, borne about because Heene REALLY wants to be a reality TV star.
Now there's Michaele and Tareq Salahi, a Virginia couple who crashed a state dinner at the White House last Tuesday. Though not on the guest list, the Salahis were able to get into the receiving line in the Blue Room at the White House and shake hands with President Obama and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, in whose honor the dinner was held.
It seems Michaele is currently a candidate for Bravo's "The Real Housewives of D.C." They even convinced the people at Half Yard Productions — the company that produced "Housewives — that they'd be invited to the White House do. Half Yard even had a crew shooting the couple making preparations to attend.
They certainly have the lack of smarts that are the hallmark of TV's newest brand of "stars". The Salahis got copious still shots of themselves at the White House event, even posting some of them on Michaele's Facebook Fan page. Considering that they may be held up for criminal proceedings (federal law makes it a crime to knowingly and willfully falsify statements on matters within the federal government's jurisdiction), it was nice of the Salahis to post the pix where the prosecution can easily find them.
The oddest part of all this is that there's no stopping the layers that are coming unpeeled. I'm sure someone is already working up some show called something like "Getting Real", all about following the desperate people who wanna be, more than anything, the wannabes of tomorrow.
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