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Oh, right. It's been changed to "climate change." Convenient. Just in time for "snowpocalypse", "snowmageddon" or whatever other clumsy monikers the pundits and half-wits want to slap on the ungodly amount of white stuff that has been battering the East Coast this week. I feel sorry for those caught in the "blizzardpalooza" and want to offer this bit of advice: You might think about calling Al Gore to come over and dig your Prius out.
When's That Global Warming Kicking In?
February 10, 2010 in Current Affairs, Humor, Social Commentary | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Al Gore, blizzardpalooza, climate change, East Coast, global warming, Marc Hershon, Prius, snow, snowpocalypse, sowmageddon, The Daily Grill