Two weeks ago I was all down on the Senate booting the bill that would have covered medical claims for first responders and rescue workers injured in the aftermath of the 9/11 destruction of the World Trade Center. It seems I was far from the only one dismayed by our lawmakers lack of gratitude, respect and humanity.
Pressure was applied by many and, as of this afternoon (and after many backroom deals were cut, no doubt), the bill has not only been resucitated but PASSED!
Not just passed, but unanimously. Amazing.
For those who dinged me when the last piece posted, claiming this and that about false claims and overages and general blind support for the Republican'ts, you are cheerfully invited to suck it.
Heroes Foiled By Zeroes
Republican't senators today hamstrung legislation that was going to give medical care to the heroes of 9/11 — rescue workers and residents of New York City — who got sick sucking down the toxic fumes, dust and smoke from ground zero. Not sure why — maybe the Senate wants to save that money in case Goldman Sachs and the other banksters come sniffing around for another handout.
December 09, 2010 in Current Affairs, Dark Humor, Social Commentary | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: 9/11, healthcare, heroes, legislation, New York, Republican't, Senate, zeroes