Loved this quote in the NYTimes today, from Greg Vistica, the head of PR firm Washington Media Group. His company has just stopped doing the public relations for the country of Tunisia. Why, you might ask?
"We basically decided on principle that we couldn't work for a country that was using snipers on rooftops to pick off its citizens."
It makes me wonder how many pitches they tried before Washington Media Group figured sniping your own people is a too hard a spin even for pro PR types. Also: There has to be at least a few image companies getting in line to gobble up that sweet Tunisia account.
Foggy Morning Breakdown
We recreated the moment, she took a picture, I applied my phodoodling skills to the shot and now it's on a coffee mug, t-shirt and bunch of other products at the Daily Grill Online Junk with the apropos phrase, "When you wear glasses, every morning is a foggy morning."
Get some.
March 29, 2011 in Food and Drink, Humor, Social Commentary | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: coffee, Daily grill, fogged up, foggy morning, glasses, Marc Hershon