To say the Transportation Security Administration has taken some heat from their new draconian full body backscatter X-ray screening at the nation's airports putting it mildly. John Pistole, chief of the TSA, has gotten toasty enough from the flames that he's "rethinking current policy", according to an article in today's NYTimes.
Frankly, after making us put everything into plastic bins and taking off our shoes, I'm not sure what options they have left. It's down to racial profiling, random body cavity searches or issuing all TSA personnel their own pair of X-Ray Specs.
Personally, I find the latter to be less intrusive and chances are Middle Eastern terrorists have never seen them and don't know that it's just a gimmick from an old comic book ad...
Flack Jacket
"We basically decided on principle that we couldn't work for a country that was using snipers on rooftops to pick off its citizens."
It makes me wonder how many pitches they tried before Washington Media Group figured sniping your own people is a too hard a spin even for pro PR types. Also: There has to be at least a few image companies getting in line to gobble up that sweet Tunisia account.
March 02, 2011 in Current Affairs, Humor, Politics, Social Commentary, Travel | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: citizen, Gregory Vistica, Marc Hershon, New York Times, PR, public relations, sniper, The Daily Grill, Tunisia, Washington Media Group